Saturday, May 11, 2013

Reptile Expo 2013

Hello all!

I went today to the Renton Reptile Expo- vendors from all over the northwest set up their booths and put various reptiles on display for sale and show.

After speaking with several breeders and seeing the overall lack of variety compared to last year, I think 2012 was a bad one for breeders?

One man told me that he hatches around two hundred Uromastyx lizards a year, but this past season he was only able to hatch a fraction of that. And this upcoming season is apparently running a bit late....It's very interesting!

Here are some photos!
Probably one of the most colorful tables- The greenish-colored snakes are Green Tree Pythons (the big one MIGHT be an Emerald Tree Boa) the spotted one is a Hognose snake (mildly venomous- but not dangerous!) The green lizard is a Emerald Tree Monitor, and I think the orange snakes are albino Ratsnakes.

Blue Tongued Skinks and some kind of tortoise
 Conner's New Blue Tongued Skink!
Check out those prices!

This guy was moving around too much for a good photo. All the venomous snakes at today's show were venomoids- or snakes with their venom glands removed.
Very controversial topic in the reptile community!
My tarantula was $20.... this one was $200.

Fattest frog I've ever seen. The lid of his tub was the size of a dinner plate.  
Eastern Indigo- very rare in the wild. Note the price!

Tiny, tiny, turtles.
They were the size of quarters and impossible to photograph closely.

Giant Gecko- a little bigger than my hand. They growl.

Piebald Ball Python
I'll post a few pics of my snakes next time!
Thanks for reading!


  1. pat2val@comcast.netJune 3, 2013 at 8:53 PM

    Hi Maddy, What's up? Have you finished your classes yet? We are going to Gena's graduation from the 8th grade Wed. night. First one of those we have attended. Papa and I spent 4 days at the canal, saw no more snakes. Hope to see you this weekend. Love you Mimi

  2. Hi Mimi! I'm almost done with classes- only a few more days!
    I can't believe Gena's going to be in highschool next year!
    Conner and Ellie caught some snakes the other weekend at the canal, but I'm sure they dug around and really looked for them c:

    Love you too & see you soon!
