Friday, April 19, 2013

And Life Goes On!


I haven't posted anything lately because, quite frankly, my life isn't that exciting right now.

It's been pretty low key in Maddy Land- I've been working on school most of the time. Hanging out with friends, walking my dog. No exciting adventures, though.

This week was spring break for the Seattle school district, which means my step-mom, brother and sister have been home. Which is nice- most of the time I'm alone for a big part of the day. Which I don't mind, it just results in lots of thinking, and a lot of random dancing. I've been doing that a lot lately; It's pretty embarrassing.

I went to Pike Place with my Mimi last week; we went shopping and had lunch. It was nice to spend some one-on-one time with her, as well as see
all the beautiful flowers the market has to offer this time of year.
Of course, I forgot my camera- so no pictures of the actual day. But I do have a photo of the gift my Mimi got me as a thank you for taking her out on the town.

She bought me this hand painted butter-lady.

I have to say, it was weird being thanked for doing something you enjoyed very much and wanted to do in the first place- so you're welcome Mimi, and thank you for accompanying me!

I'll post as soon as something exciting happens! I swear!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddy, I will try this one more time. How is your leg? That was a bad burn, does it hurt to walk? Thanks for the nice words about our trip to the big city. I loved it and loved being with you. Such a fun day. Love Mimi
