Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hello: I Am Madison Rose


For the first time since starting this blog, I am writing a post at home. I have to say- it's a bit strange!

All of the posts from before were about life in foreign places- but now I suppose I have the chance to reveal where I come from, what I do, and thus, who I am.

For those who do not already know me, I am Madison Rose.

And for those whom I've already met, lived with or loved in some manner, I will always be Maddy-rosebud, time after time and adventure after adventure.


It's time to analyze me being home.

Probably the biggest and hardest change for me is being away from all my new friends. After spending ten weeks with the same group of people, you really form a bond.

Being back home, my new family is scattered all over Washington and, in J-bunny's case, in Oregon.

This sucks!

I will fight valiantly to keep in touch with as many people as possible, but I have a fear that some will slip through my grasp and I will lose them completely.

I don't want that.

This may be the dependency talking- because I did depend on these people throughout my trip. I depended on them for company, and advice. Entertainment and support. Love, loyalty and laughter. And presence. Just having all of these faces present kept me sane in a place so foreign and unfamiliar.

Now I am back home, with my lovely family and friends who've missed me dearly. They'll listen to me tell stories about Bar Open, and when I describe it they'll try to imagine the sky that night in Thames.

But there are only a few who share in the adventures I've had- only a few who know the terror of those bus rides to and from Sydney, only a few who can share my enthusiasm for a simple Tim-Tam.

Places are places. Some places are wonderful. But it's the people that make the place. And it'll always be the people that I miss.

But I am glad to be home. And I've missed the people here very much.

Thank you for reading,
       There will be more soon-


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