Sunday, March 17, 2013

Portland (In A Day & A Half)

Hello all! 
I mentioned in a previous post that my friend J-bunny knew the drummer from a band called Atlas Genius, and that she could get us into a show for free. 

Well- that happened! 

 On Friday I hopped on a train bound for Portland, Oregon, and arrived in time to have a late lunch with Jen. 
Afterwards we drove to our hotel, which was splendidly hipster, unpacked our stuff, took some stupid pictures and headed back out- I had a city to see and J-bunny was going to show me! 

Union Station 

Ace Hotel

Hipster hotel=hipster elevator


I found the shower quite comfortable

Bath robes

We re-parked the car (city parking- am I right?) and after a little window shopping decided to go into Jen's favorite chocolate shop, Cacao. Here they had a large variety of gourmet chocolate bars, beautiful decorated truffles and candies as well as "drink chocolate". 

Espresso shots? No... shots of melted chocolate, milk and cream? 


We explored for a little while after that and ate some amazing Sea-food at a restaurant down the street from us called Jake's. After getting ready at our hotel we left for the concert around 7 and walked to the Roseland Theatre, which was just a few blocks away. We got in because Jen's name was on the list (her and one other person!). Unfortunately the seats that were reserved for us were in the 21 and over section, so I couldn't go. Instead we stood with the other under age people, who all looked about 14, and rocked out anyway.

Three bands played that night: Nico Vega (a band I had never heard of previously-they were good!), Atlas Genius, and Imagine Dragons.

Jen and I both swooned when Mike and Keith came on stage and enjoyed their set thoroughly. A reminder- Mike is the guy J-bunny is friends with. Keith is his brother.

Unfortunately the band was recovering form the flu as well as getting ready for their flight to San Fransisco (that night!) so we didn't get the chance to talk to them.

I met their mom though, so that was interesting.

The last band, obviously, was Imagine Dragons. Their set was amazing- easily the best. I love their music and to hear it live just added to my appreciation.  

Have you ever listen to a band sing live and suddenly understand what their lyrics mean? I felt that way when, at the end of the show, they played It's Time.

Radioactive, Demons, On top of the world, Tiptoe and of course It's Time are my favorites; Radioactive was definitely the best song of the night, though. The last two pictures are of them playing Radioactive (photo credit Jen!).

The next morning Jen and I went out to breakfast at Zeus Cafe, which is right under the Crystal Hotel, down the street from where we were staying. This is a picture of the stain glass windows there.

We were really sleepy after that, so we decided to drive around and look for a nice, cozy place to sit and relax. We ended up at The Dragonfly- a little cafe full of plush chairs and bright colors. It was busy, but comfortable.
We then drove around looking for a cafe I ate at the last time I was in Portland this past summer- nothing like an adventure after breakfast! We found it (I forgot what it's called!) but didn't go in.

This is at the Irving Street Kitchen. Probably my favorite atmosphere-wise. It was technically closed when we got there since they were preparing for dinner, but they gave us what we came for anyway- Butterscotch pudding!

One layer butterscotch pudding, one layer chocolate pudding and topped with a drizzly caramel. Yum!

All gone!

After Irving Street we headed to Jen's work since she started her shift at 4:30. I waited there for a while and had some awesome Pho, and then left for the train station.

The train ride home was a bit noisy, but peaceful none the less.

I love Portland!

Cool light fixture at Irving Street

Thanks for reading!

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