Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why A 13 Year Old Girl Should Not Own A Komodo Dragon

Reason number one: They're terrible snugglers.

I'm not actually going to write a post about teen girls and monster lizards. The only person who will actually get the title of this post and (hopefully) laugh is my little (or not so little- 16!) brother Conner. It was so nice talking to him for so long yesterday and I just wanted to post about how much I miss him.

I miss all a' yalls too- so don't come whining asking "don't you miss me!?"

I do. I'm just not going to make a post about it.

Anywho! This would have been the title of this post:

Australians Hate Lemonade

This probably isn't true- I have a feeling Australians would quite enjoy a cool glass, especially on a day like today (hot, muggy and cloudy). But every were I've been they only have lemon flavored soda, which is absolutely not the same. I've asked in restaurants and looked in every convenience store, but alas- nothing. Maybe I'll make some in New Zealand; they'll have a kitchen there (or maybe they'll just have lemonade). We'll see!

Today after class I went with friends Michelle, Harpreet and Cassie to the Queen Victoria Market. It was okay- but it has nothing on Pike Place.

I love this picture. Here I am, 18 years old, hogging mini coin operated rides. Right after this picture I told that little girl to get lost. 

Michelle, Cassie, and Harpreet

I don't think I've ever been so close to a car accident before. This guy was taking pictures for insurance, I was taking them for my blog. I am pitiless. 

I got a lot of things at the market today, but this was the only thing I bought for myself. All the other items are gifts and thus surprises!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Awh! i miss you too Sis so much!! its so werid not seeing you at dads i hope your haveing a great time! And i did laugh!
