Monday, February 4, 2013

Only Words For Adelaide (ATLAS GENIUS!)

I did not take a single photo of the city of Adelaide.

I strongly believe that photos could not describe how bizarre the atmosphere of this city was. Unlike Melbourne and Sydney, Adelaide does not get as many visitors or tourists. Even the locals asked us, with confused expressions on their faces, why we had wanted to come to Adelaide.

The only parts of the city we saw was the airport, suburbs (driving to Flinders) and the city central. Even though I've never been to Florida, the houses in Adelaide resembled what houses in Florida look like in my mind. Down to the pink plastic flamingos (maybe that was just one house).

City Central its self was a little sketchy. I remember Travel Josh booking our hostel for us (back in Melbourne) and grimacing as he did, saying "it's not good, but it's the best in Adelaide." The hostel was gross, and our window presented a scenic view of an alley, on the first floor, where at night you could hear the deep, drunken voices of the local skecthies chilling in their lovely local hangout spot.

The bars and clubs varied in their cleanliness- anything on Hindley Street was pretty bad. Rundel street had some really nice bars, and Gouger had a bar called Sangria that was just pure class (no sarcasm- seriously!). Most of the places I liked had an older crowd, which allowed for some interesting conversations. I had fun and the people there were very nice, if peculiar. Even with Jen and Steph there I didn't drink much. Adelaide's not a place you want to be roaming the streets at night impaired. At least for a girl.

I really hope this doesn't worry people! There was never a time where I felt in danger, only creeped out and even more often grossed out. Despite it all I had a lot of fun. What an experience!

On a WAY COOLER NOTE Jen is amazing, and has connections all over, including Adelaide. A lot of you wont know who these guys are, but for those who do, read and weep.

Jen is friends with the drummer of Atlas Genius, who lives an hour out of Adelaide, and while we didn't get to hang with them there, Mike (the drummer) got Jen and I into their sold out Portland show for free! They're opening for Imagine Dragons, so I get to see them too!

Mind. Blown.

For those who don't know this band or aren't sure, look up Trojans by Atlas Genius.

Like I said, Mike is the drummer (right). Photo by Jen!

 Thanks for reading!