Friday, February 22, 2013

Fly By NZ Time

Time flies!

I have exactly two weeks left in New Zealand! How is that even possible? I feel like we just got here last week.

Life has been very low-key for the most part. Classes are very enjoyable- but I have so much homework!

Can I just say how excited I am to come home? I love it here, but ten weeks is a long time. It will be so nice to hear my family and friends' voices!

But for now I'm just going to enjoy my time here and finish all of my school work. I thought I was just going to stay in Auckland solo during my week break and do some me-time shopping, etc, but it looks like I might be going to a beach house with some cool kiwis we met via Jen. We'll see!

Here are some random photos!

My fox sweater. It is easily the best thing I've purchased here so far.

Pool. They cleaned it for us! It had a layer of leaves at the bottom for the first week.

Ever since Valentines day I've been taking pictures of my food. This was my breakfast the other day. 

Lunch consisted of cucumber, baby tomatoes, rice crackers, cheese and a little mustard to dip it all in. I was very proud of myself for making this so cute looking.

This is what my bed side table looks like at the moment.

I feel kind of silly sharing this with everyone. It feels unimportant compared to all of the exciting adventures I've had on this trip. But at the same time, I hope this illustrates to you how laid back New Zealand is. There's always stuff happening- but it's not as earth-shattering and mind blowing as Australia.

I think I actually like it better here!

Thanks for reading!

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